If you are new at network marketing or are an old pro, you probably can identify with the guilt that accompanies your business. More than likely you are a full-time mom who wanted to find a simple way to add a little extra income to your family. Of course a home base business is a viable and excellent place to start, however, there is always a learning curve and in order to be successful, you have to devote a great deal of work and time to your "business."
Because of this learning curve, often you have to spend some time away from the kids. This can be taxing on both you and the family. In order to bridge the gap, you can include your family in your business! Over the years I have heard of some great ideas on how you can include your family in your efforts. I personally think it's crucial to have them involved in what you're doing. You need them on your side for support and motivation. And why not start teaching them at an early age all about the business world!
1. Family Goals~
Gather the troops together and have a little heart to heart. Explain to them what you are doing and ask them for their support. Ask them what they would like to do if you meet X goal. Would it be a trip to a theme park, a weekend at the beach or just going to the movies. Choose whatever type of award that is appropriate for the goal. The bottom line, though, is to get your family excited and on board to help and support you in your efforts to attain your goal!
2. Dream Board~
A dream board is a visual symbol of your goals. You can use a cork board, a poster or anything else that is big and can hang on the way. Choose a prominent location so everyone can look at it on a daily basis. Once you have established the rewards for meeting your goals, ask the family to look through magazines to find pictures of those goals. For instance, if your goal was to visit Disney World, have the kids look through magazines until they find a picture of the Magic Kingdom or something that would visually describe the your trip. Then place the clippings on the board for everyone to see!
3. Accountability Chart~
Your kids have a great way of keeping you accountable. That is why it's a wonderful idea to ask them for their help. Create a chart that has all the task you need to complete in order to meet your goal (i.e. number of calls per week, number of presentations/parties, number of sales, etc.). Create a checklist to show what you have accomplished for either the day or week. To include your kids, ask them to hold you accountable by requiring you to fill in the checklist. Have them ask you daily/weekly if you've done the necessary requirements to meet your goal. Of course you won't want to let them down because all of you know what's in store when you meet your goal! Sometimes knowing that you will let your kids down will push you to make just one more call!
4. President of Operations~
Give your children specific tasks that they can do to help you with your business. Perhaps it's putting labels on envelopes, filling gift baskets or dropping items off to customers. Whatever the task, make sure to include them. Whenever we have ownership in something, we want to do our best! It's the same way with kids. Plus, you'll be teaching them valuable lessons along the way!
Hopefully these tips will encourage you to include your kids in your business and make it a successful endeavour! Wishing you great success!
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