Friday, June 22, 2007
Moving The Blog
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tuesday's Efficiency Tip
If you're anything like me, you can easily spend hours reading, responding or creating emails. Often times email is my only source of communication to the outside world and therefore, I enjoy it! And while emails may be a vital part to my business and social life, the time consumed on them may not be the most cost efficient. If you struggle with emails as much as I do, it may be wise to do the following.
1. Evaluate just how much time you spend doing email related work.
Track yourself for the day, you may be surprised how much time you spend reading emails. After evaluating, ask yourself, "Is this the best use of my time." If it's not, then cut back.
2. Limit your email time. I will often set a time limit (or even a timer) so that I am fully aware of my schedule and limits. Stick to your time frame so that you will have plenty of time for the other important tasks in your daily life!
3. Schedule when you will read, respond, and create emails. I often times find it easier to read and respond to emails than work on all of the pressing and often times, money making projects. In order not to waste time, I often make a rule that I won't even open my email until my priority jobs are finished. If I don't have the distraction, I don't miss it and usually get my work done a lot faster...leaving plenty of time for emails!
Hopefully these tips will help you become more efficient in your life and business. Until next time!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Exciting Times!
I am very proud of what the our Smart Moms teams has accomplished. We are on the verge of launching our new site together with a fabulous Health and Wellness eBook and we aren't stopping there. Our minds are swimming with new ideas. All we need is time and energy!!
Why not join us and learn together? We are here to help!! Receive our FREE Work At Home Solutions Report just for visiting!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Only Fools Rush In
Partnerships are like marriages. They can be extremely rewarding--both financially and personally. They can also be an extrodinary source of misery--both financially and personally. Also like a marriage, it's generally much easier to jump in than to "jump" out. Time and money spent at the front end, discussing some important things with a legal advisor can make all the difference in making a good relationship better, and preventing train wrecks before they happen. Here are some things to do BEFORE going into business with someone:
1. Get a credit report and a financial statement and possibly even a background check--even if the potential partner is someone you know socially. The more you plan on investing in this joint venture (in time or money), the more important this becomes. Credit reports give a running history of a person's actions with money and monetary promises. Does your prospective partner have a trail of broken financial promises? This is extremely important to know before you're in business with someone. I've had 2 clients just in the past year that lost about a half of a million dollars each because they failed to do this very thing with people they knew socially.
2. Get a lawyer to help you structure the legal agreement between the partners. Just like a marriage counselor would strongly recommend that certain topics be discussed before saying "I do", an experienced lawyer will have lots of wisdom about the kinds of things that should be nailed down in writing before there's a lot more at stake. If you're already in business and haven't gotten the following things resolved in writing, get your partner(s) and yourself to an attorney to get them taken care of a.s.a.p.
3. Get certain aspects of the relationship in writing. Here are just a few things that are too important in a business relationship to leave undiscussed or unwritten, and with the help of attorney:
- What are each of us going to put into the business & when (money, time, certain tasks)?
- When and how is money going to come out of the business? Are there any salaries or is one or some or all of us waiting on profits, which could take days, months, or years?
- Who makes what decisions? Which ones are yours? Mine? Ours?
- How do I get out if I want out? (You can have an agreement that will create a predetermined and mutually fair way for one partner to be bought out.)
The bottom line is getting a prospective partner's financial history and, if that part is acceptable, getting everyone's expectations for money, time, control and exit strategies on the table and in writing. If you do that, you'll keep lots of avoidable problems from killing your business once its underway. Getting a good CPA involved from the beginning who will keep all the partners informed about the state of the business is also very helpful. Partnerships can be a great thing, but only fools rush in.
T. N. Freeman II - Law Offices
Smart Moms Need Patience!
The websites will be working on automatic pilot. The kids will still be running around. And I will have someone that helps me clean the house!
Working at home is about patience and time management (I think there is a post here someo where on that- I need to re-read!). And a few days of longer hours will pay off in the end!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tuesday's Efficiency Tip
Business Notebook
If you're anything like me, you write names, phone numbers, dates and other important information on little pieces of paper that can be found all over the house! It's great to jot things down, but if you can't find them, well...!
In my former career, real estate, I quickly learned that I had to have my notes, phone numbers and daily "to-do" list in one place. I purchased a medium size spiral notebook and recorded everything in that book. Whether it was jotting down a message (with phone number), making a "note to self" or listing my daily chores, I made sure it was all in one place. The great thing about doing this was that I always had records of names and phones numbers and would often flip through my pages to find a number that I really needed.
I have carried this tradition into my home based business and really benefit from it. I have a small notebook that sits at my desk where I record everything from phone numbers, ID and passwords to my daily "to-do" list. I have found that I no longer have tons of sticky notes or individual pieces of paper floating around. It has really simplified my life and made it more efficient!
I also have a mini notebook in my car. It is really helpful for jotting down phone numbers or even writing down business ideas when they pop into my head. Of course after reading Kim's post about Driving Mistakes, you might want to consider pulling over before writing!!
Make it a point to purchase a notebook and see how convenient and efficient it is to keep everything in one place! Until next time!
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Truth is In the Traffic
A great blog post I just read on this was from Stanley Tang's Internet Marketing Blog (which I found through a WAH Blog from Smart Mom Lisa). Stanley also offers a free course in traffic marketing. I just got my first email, so I will let you know if it is worth the time!
One thing to consider when you are building an internet business is building your website. You need the SEO, the keywords, the content... if you are unsure about any of those concepts, a great web hosting service is SBI- they walk you through the whole process and make sure you build it right- if you are looking for a great service, this one is tops. The amount of information you receive for your annual fee is well worth it! If you want to see some work at home mom testimonials, check out this section of SBI.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Nice Part About Working From Home
The great part about having our own home based business is we can do this: take vacations, take a break, or go play with the kids. The boss is not there telling us when to show up, when to be back, and what needs to be done when we get back. We can work when we can and when we need to. We can take the time off if we need to also, because we are in charge of what gets done!
Having your own home based business also gives you the determination to get things accomplished. We know we are the only way things are going to get done, so it will get done. We will work our hardest to meet our goals and we will accomplish great things- because we are the ones that benefit in the long run. Not a corporation or a mysterious CEO. We are the corporation, the CEO, the bookkeeper, and the secretary (for now!).
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Learning From Others
There are several secrets that SUCCESSFUL WAHM's know... Would you like to know what they are????
1. Working at home actually takes WORK. That's the TRUTH. No matter WHAT business you choose, NOTHING will work unless YOU do. It never ceases to amaze me the amounts of women who actually turn down a good opportunity b/c they believe that there is a REAL business out there that is FREE to start, takes NO effort to build, earns HUGE income in no time at all, and you NEVER have to speak to a living soul (it's all done through the website!) YEAH RIGHT!!! If ya'll find that, let me know!
2. You must truly LOVE what you do. You can't just be in it for the money because the TRUTH is, that eventually someone else will come along that loves money MORE than you do and they will out run you. Can you answer this question honestly: If I make NO money with this opportunity, would I still PERSONALLY use/buy this product/service? If you can't answer YES, then no one else will.
3. Sometimes, you must accept a period of imbalance in order to reach long term goals. The TRUTH is that initially, you might have to give up something that you LIKE in order to obtain something significant for someone you LOVE. This applies in ALL areas of life. I didn't just show up at college and say, "Ok. I'm here. Give me my degree and I'll be on my way." (I wish!). It took years of hard work and sacrifice to get that education. Why would we expect a business to be any different? Even though my children were small when I started, I sat down when them and my husband to explain WHY mommy was going to be working from home and what I needed/expected from them. As my children have gotten older, I've used a rewards system to elicit their cooperation. (a trip to the dollar store, a family vacation, 30 minutes extra TV at bed time, etc.) After all, mine is a FAMILY business and it can't be done successfully without my entire family's support.
4. Success leaves clues. The TRUTH is, the BEST way to be SUCCESSFUL is to watch and learn from someone who is ALREADY doing what you want to do. Then, do what THEY do! If you're merely curious, keep on dreaming of success. If you're SERIOUS, let's TEAM UP and MAKE it happen! May you obtain ALL you work for...
Edie McRae--WAHM of 2
I'm just an ORDINARY mom with EXTRAORDINARY ambition!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A Must Read- The Tipping Point
The whole basis of the book is that little things can make a big difference. I look at the work at home mom trend that is developing in the United States as a tipping point. For years through the womans lib movement, woman have wanted to be in the workplace. Now there is a strong movement towards women continuing to work, but working in non traditional forms- at home, telecommuting, for themselves in a small home based business.
I strongly recommend you picking up a copy of The Tipping Point. It is a relatively cheap paperback with tons of great information on what makes society change.
If you want to read another great idea from the book to explain why dad's cannot remember everything you have told them 100 times, read the post in our 4fabmmoms blog.
If you are interested in joining the Work At Home mom revolution, we can help. Join our newsletter and we will help you get some great information to make your decision.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Blogtipping Day

I am joining in with other work at home mom blogs to blogtip other blogs.
I learned about this from Bev's Easy Craft Site.
Blogtipping Definition: Blogtipping is where you publish a blog post in which you link to three unsuspecting blogs and offer three compliments and/or one helpful tip to each blogger. (Or adapt those numbers to your own preferences; the principle of selflessness is what matters most here.) Blogtipping is a refreshing and useful surprise that can start a blogger’s month with a huge smile!
It is great to find other blogs that have wonderful information and to encourage others to view your blog. If you would like to participate July 1, visit our Smart Mom forum for more information. I will post the blogs I tip from this blog here, but check out the other two blogs, 4fabmoms and The Day of A Mom to see who I tipped too!
1. Stefani's Mom's Traffic Tips has a lot of great tips for increasing traffic to your website. She has a wide selection of other blogs for you to look at also.
2. Bev's Bits (from the author of the link above for craft tips) is a day to day blog of a mom with a child with an illness. She does have a great blond joke.
3. Cooking 101- some great recipe tips for cooking with Watkins ingredients. I am glad I visited, since I thought this company was all beauty products- boy I was confused!
More Thoughts...
1. Leverage
Suppose you saw a great movie, recommended it to some friends and family and then a couple of weeks later you received a "thank you" check from the movie theater...wouldn't that be nice! Well, that is literally what you are doing with your network marketing business. Every time you refer someone to your business and they buy the products, the company sends you a thank you check. And what if you brought some others on your team to help spread the word? Just imagine what your check would be like if you and three others were spreading the word each and every day and you were being paid for everyone's efforts. If you like this scenario, then you'll like network marketing. This industry allows you leverage your time and money while helping others at the same time. This is truly one of the best business concepts!
2. Global Office
Imagine how convenient it would be to work wherever you wanted. Perhaps it would be on your couch or sitting outside with your kids or even working while traveling. Thankfully with the modern convenience of the internet and cell phone, you can work your networking business virtually anywhere. The requirements of working from an office are long gone and this is very appealing to many people! So, who can you think of today that would like to leave their 9-5 behind and start working from home?
3. It's A Networking Business
Let's face it, if you want anything in life, you have to work for it. It's just the same way with any business venture that you enter into. Whether you find the perfect network marketing business or not, it will require a lot of time, effort and some money. You should realize up front that in order to be successful with this business you will have to step out of your comfort zone and work harder than you even thought possible. Of course the payoff can be very nice, but don't be surprised if you aren't getting those large checks right away. It could take months, even years, to get to the highest level in your chosen company. But don't be discouraged, if you decide that you want it, you can achieve it!
4. Keep Learning
Starting your own networking marketing business is like going back to school. In order to be successful, you have to be willing to learn and stretch yourself. You should be reading everything you can about the industry and about your company. And most importantly, you need to be working on yourself. Self motivation is crucial in this business. Therefore, read books to help you in this area. Become the best person you can be and others will naturally gravitate to you!
Hopefully these thoughts will help you on your path to finding the right business. Again, if you would like help in finding a good business fit for you, please visit the Smart Moms teach at our website: We are here to help and we also have a wealth of knowledge to help you become successful!